It's part 2 with TIME Magazine columnist Joel Stein, and we do not hold back. Some quotes from this episode:
"I get very excited when someone has a fetish I don’t have because I feel superior."
"When I hear alcoholics talk about their first drink, I know the intensity when I first saw my first porn magazine. And the self-hatred, and it was so shameful and so intense. It was so big, that feeling, that I wasn’t able to contain it in any vessel in my body. It was super super and still is very intense."
"I listen to healthy men talk about watching porn, and it’s a tool to have an orgasm. To me, masturbation is a tool to watch porn."
"Relationships get established really early. Like you establish a pattern within weeks that lasts for decades."
"A marriage or a relationship is a million tiny acts of bravery, and [Joel's wife Cassandra] was really good at being brave in the moment and bringing the thing up, like when she’s hurt. I really admire that. It’s really hard."
"I need someone to ask me five times before I tell them how I feel, and then I’m mad if they don’t notice."
You can find Joel on Twitter at
A link to buy his book:
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Feel free to write me at
Theme song:
Vocals: MACK -
Mix: Dan Gerbang -
Writer: Igor Hiller
Cover art by George Hilton III:
Cover design by Eve Survilo:
Thank you for listening. My favorite palindrome is "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"